Audio-Tutorial Reference Materials in Biology (Cell Division)

Report, Technical

Accession Number: 2009.20.28

Subtitle: Final Report

Summary/Description: "The principal objective of this project was the development and evaluation of self-instructional materials in cell division for use by visually handicapped students" --front matter (research project report form). Grant no. SP179-08277. Prepared through support of a grant through the National Science Foundation. Frank Franks, Project Director. Paperbound; contains tables, appendices, and bibliographical references.

Author: Franks, Frank L.

Collection: APH Collection

Credit Line: APH Collection, 2009.20.

Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind

Publisher Place: Louisville, KY

Publish Date: 1980

Subjects: Auditory learning Biology Blind Education Instructional materials Tactile learning

Physical Description: 36 p. ; 11 x 8.5 in.