Accession Number: 1994.2
Description: Device has a silent seven-key braille keyboard, voice synthesizer, speaker, reverse translator, rechargeable batteries, headphone jack, a Z-80 CMOS microprocessor, over 200K of nonvolatile RAM, and a carrying case.
Date Made: 1988 original production
Maker: Gissoni, Fred, inventor
Place of Origin: Louisville, KY
Credit Line: APH Collection, 1994.20
Subjects: Braille Computers Electronic aids Instructional aids, tools, and supplies Speech
Dimension Notes: 2 3/8 x 9 x 4 7/8 in. PocketBraille ; 2 1/2 x 12 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. carrying case .
Made: American Printing House for the Blind.
Updated: 03/08/2016