Accession Number: 2000.133
Description: "A revolutionary portable, battery operated [braille notetaker] designed specifically for braille users. As a stand-alone unit, the APH PocketBraille enables the user to write, read, edit and store approximately 200 pages of Grade 2 braille. When connected to other devices, the APH PocketBraille sends and receives data in the form of ASCII files or program code." --APH catalog. Can be used with personal computers, printers, braille embossers, modems, and VersaBrailles. Device has a silent seven-key braille keyboard, voice synthesizer, speaker, reverse translator, rechargeable batteries, headphone jack, a Z-80 CMOS microprocessor, over 200K of nonvolatile RAM, and a tan carrying case with adjustable brown strap. Recharger and parallel port accessory are also in the carrying case. This item was never used and is stored in the original box.
Date Made: 1988 original production
Maker: Gissoni, Fred, inventor (original model).
Place of Origin: Louisville, KY
Subjects: Braille Computers Electronic aids Instructional aids, tools, and supplies Speech
Dimension Notes: 2 3/8 x 9 x 4 7/8 in. PocketBraille ; 2 5/8 x 12 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. carrying case .
Made: American Printing House for the Blind.
Material: Plastic, vinyl, electronics
Updated: 02/15/2021