APH Orientation 1986 slideshow

Transparency, Slide

Accession Number: 2009.22.28.1-84

Description: Slideshow provides a brief introduction to and tour of the American Printing House for the Blind (APH), focusing on the company's production of braille, large type, recorded books and magazines, and educational aids. On original slide container: "New cassette show, October 1986, A. Cary." Some photos taken off site. No cassette was received with the slides. Slides are as follows: 1. Student making a classroom presentation 2. Student making a classroom presentation, different view 3. Woman assisting student who is using an educational aid 4. Woman (Janet Williams) using a talking book cassette player 5. Miscellaneous educational aids and a braille issue of My Weekly Reader 6. APH Modified G.E. Cassette Player/Recorder; magazine and book cassettes and cassette container; and braille issue of My Weekly Reader 7. APH logo, with caption "American Printing House for the Blind" 8. Social studies book 9. Reader's Digest (flexible disc; cassette; braille) and Newsweek (flexible disc), 1986 issue 10. Student exploring tactile globe 11. Student reading spine of shelved book 12. Benjamin Franklin Elementary School building, Clifton 13. Students reading books (at Kentucky School for the Blind) 14. Infant sitting with early childhood product (container of tactile flowers) 15. Woman (Naomi Overby) using talking book cassette player 16. Loading tape reel 17. APH employees in office area 18. Close-up of print/braille on page of My Weekly Reader, Special Edition (for sighted children) 19. Reading cover of Reader's Digest, Braille Edition issue 20. Close-up of braille printing plate 21. Employee using braille printing press (clamshell) 22. Large print dictionary and standard print equivalent 23. Large type production 24. Large type student workbooks 25. Monitor in Talking Book studio, Marie Biegert 26. Narrator Fred Major reading in studio 27. Man (Ed Williams) using talking book player 28. Talking Book cassette player, cassette and container, and flexible disc 29. Newsweek Talking Magazine flexible discs and envelopes 30. View of APH building from front lawn (slide mount dated 1987) 31. Recorded and braille magazines 32. Reader's Digest and Newsweek recorded issues 33. Reader's Digest issue on flexible disc, cassette, and in braille 34. Receiving mailed cassettes in envelope from APH 35. Recorded and braille publications 36. Sensory Stimulation Kit 37. Cassette in hand and open cassette player 38. Writing name using APH Signature Guide 39. Using diagramming foil with Tactile Graphics Kit 40. Using the Cranmer Abacus 41. Writing with a braille slate (Susan Robertson) 42. Removing paper from braille slate 43. Table-model globe and Simplified Continental Relief Map (U.S.) 44. Close-up of Simplified Continental Relief Map (U.S.) 45. Light Box and Light Box Materials 46. Close-up of student using Light Box 47. Various accessible materials 48. CARL catalog entries for recorded publications 49. Adult reading braille 50. Narrator reading in studio 51. APH CARL (Central Automated Resource List) 52. Close-up of page in CARL catalog 53. Fielding Central Catalog inquiry 54. Early pages of raised type, and later materials in various accessible formats 55. APH building (prior to 1955) and snowy front lawn, with text "Since 1858" 56. Close-up of text embossed in line letter in early book 57. Close-up of music embossed in line letter in early book 58. Spine labeling on grade 2 braille books 59. "In 1879" text, with illustration of U.S. Congress in session 60. Braille and large print reading in classroom 61. "Annual Income" bar graph 62. "Annual Income" bar graph 63. Close-up of music embossed in line letter, and inset of recorded media and cassette player 64. Using an NFB Speaqualizer 65. Research data from product field test 66. APH model maker Tom Poppe demonstrating case for Portable Plus phonograph to Research staff 67. Child using Perkins Brailler (at center, Eleanor Pester, Research Dept.) 68. Reviewing tactile material 69. Assisting toddler with manipulative 70. Using computer and APH Echo Commander speech synthesizer (Larry Skutchan, Research) 71. Working on Portable Plus (James Robinson) 72. Correcting a braille printing plate (Jean Moore) 73. Using a PED, plate embossing device (Rose Zinious) 74. Positioning a braille printing plate in stereotype machine 75. Data entry (pc) and computer hardware peripherals 76. Data entry (pc) 77. Data entry and retrieval 78. Bright Sights: Learning to See product 79. Miscellaneous products 80. Catalogs of educational aids and publications 81. Braille magazines, and envelopes containing recorded (flexible disc) magazines 82. Composite of slides 2, 3, 70, 75 (slide mount dated 1987) 83. Ilustration of the world, with caption "The World's Largest Printing House for the Blind" 84. APH logo, and caption "American Printing House for the Blind"

Date: 1986-1987

History/Provenance: Received with materials from the office of Mary Nelle McLennan.

Credit Line: APH Collection, 2009.22

Subjects: Manufacturing processes Products Services for the blind and visually impaired Tours