Accession Number: 2018.17.1
Description: Portable cassette recorder; rectangular black plastic case with aluminum faceplate on controls, aluminum speaker grill to right of cassette door, and bright aluminum/black plastic carrying handle on top; ivory plastic pushbutton controls on front left with raised symbols on each for record, rewind, forward, play, pause, and stop; black rotary switches to right for volume, tone, and variable speed; single toggle switch to right for speed (15/16 or 1 7/8); black push button index button; small cassette eject button on top to left of cassette door; jacks on left side of case for microphone, auxiliary, earphone, and remote control along with a toggle for mono/stereo; three hatches on back hold battery compartment, AC adaptor, and the remote microphone; faceplate screenprinted "GENERAL ELECTRIC" and "AMERICAN PRINTING HOUSE FOR THE BLIND"; aluminum tag on bottom, "Serial No. G-00003"; cast into base, "Japan 704".
Height: 2.875
Width: 11
Depth: 9.75
Date Made: 1972
Maker: General Electric, American Printing House for the Blind
Place of Origin: Japan; Louisville, KY
Collection: APH Collection
History/Provenance: APH Collection
Credit Line: APH Collection, 2018.17
Subjects: Assistive technology Reading devices for the disabled Talking books Tape players/recorders
Dimension Notes: overall, with handle extended, with handle folded down, depth is 8" and height is 3.5.
Made: General Electric, American Printing House for the Blind
Material: Plastic, aluminum
Updated: 02/16/2021