Accession Number: 2009.20.17
Scope & Content: A series of VHS training tapes produced inhouse: (a) #1, "Dr. Nolan Presents an Overview of APH", 1982 (b) #2, "New Products Orientation: 1) Audio-Tutorial Reference Mat'ls in Biology 2) Microslide Cassette Programs; Fund Raising: Magazine Circulation and Program Support", 1982 (c) #3, "Patterns and Library Series," January 7, 1983 (d) #5, "Recording, Production and Equipment (Jack Decker)", March 4, 1983 (e) #6, "Business Office (Jane Kent)", March 25, 1983 (f) #8, "Braille and Large Type Production (Ralph McCracken)", May 5, 1983
Creator: American Printing House for the Blind
Interview Date: / /
Collection: APH Collection
Credit Line: APH Collection, 2009.20.
Subjects: Braille Fundraising Large type books Talking books