Accession Number: 2004.99.2
Subtitle: Concepts and Skills, Supplement 4
Summary/Description: Contents: Glossary and index. "Grade 10" --t.p. Contracted (grade 2) braille, interpoint. Braille pages p1-p10 and 1-114 (print pages 808-b809, 818-c832). On cover: McDougal Littel Algebra 1: Concepts and Skills, Volume 1. APH catalog no.: A-B0198-00. ATIC (Accessible Textbook Initiative and Collaboration Project), a textbook division of APH, introduced fold-back flexible spiral binding in 2001. Casebound with illustrated paper over boards; fold-back, black flexible spiral binding; clear plastic braille label on front cover, at top left.
Author: Larson, Ron, et al.
Collection: APH Collection
Credit Line: APH Collection, 2004.99.1
Publisher: [reproduced from] McDougal Littell
Publisher Place: Evanston, IL
Publish Date: 2001
Subjects: Algebra Mathematics
Physical Description: 1 v. (various paging) : tactile graphics (thermoform) ; 11.5 x 13 x 2 in.