Accession Number: 1992.242a-c
Subtitle: Large Type Edition
Summary/Description: This title was published in 7 volumes; the APH museum has volumes 4, 5, and 6 in its collection. The title was part of the Adventures in Literature Program, and the large type edition was produced with the permission of the publisher, Harcourt, Brace. The volumes are casebound with blue cloth covers. "Laureate edition" --t.p. 1992.242a - volume 4; 1992.242b - volume 5; 1992.242c - volume 6. Large Type Edition
Author: Fuller, Edmund
Publisher: Harcourt, Brace & World
Publish Date: 1963
Subjects: Literature. (use for classics, including plays.) United States.
Physical Description: 7 v.