Accession Number: 2013.8.6-7
Subtitle: A Developmental Program for Young Children: Guidebook
Summary/Description: The guidebook and accompanying audiocassette are part of the teacher's materials in the reading readiness program "A Tactual Road to Reading," which was produced by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) under the auspices of the Instructional Materials Reference Center. Guidebook contains: Section I, Philosophy, Origin, and Background of the Program -- Section II, An Introduction to the Materials -- Implementation of the Tactual Readiness Books -- Appendix (additional ink-print versions of tactual books in one series of the program) -- Bibliography: p. 56-57. Edited by Marian Anderson. Green paper cover; saddle-stitched. Audiocassette is a recording of Ina W. Kurzhals describing the program and how it developed. It was duplicated at APH. .6 - guidebook .7 - audiocassette
Author: Kurzhals, Ina W.
Collection: APH Collection
History/Provenance: Book was transferred, along with other "A Tactual Road to Reading" materials, to the APH Museum from the APH Research Department, following the 2012 retirement of Eleanor Pester, APH Braille Project Leader, in whose office it had been stored.
Credit Line: APH Collection
Publisher: [American Printing House for the Blind]
Publisher Place: [Louisville, KY]
Publish Date: [1974]
Subjects: Blind children Books for children Instructional materials Reading Tactile learning
Physical Description: 57 p. ; 12 x 9 in. + 1 sound cassette (30 min.) ; analog, 1 7/8 ips