1974 Competency Workshop, University Preparation Programs, St. Louis

Print, Photographic

Accession Number: 2013.36.5

Description: Black & white print; group of thirty conference participants stand in group, smiling at camera, just behind sidewalk; bare tree in right background; left to right, Richard Umsted, Ohio State University; Ferne Roberts, Hunter College; Lou Alonso, Michigan State University; Jose Santana, University of Puerto Rico; Lawrence Geffen (directly behind Santana), Eastern Michigan University; unknown woman; Wilma Hull, Boston College; Sister Mary McCormick, Dominican College of Blauvelt; Georgie Lee Abel, San Francisco State; Madge Leslie, Portland State; Robert Bowers (directly behind Leslie), Columbia; Perla Tait, Temple; Quida Fae Morris, Boston College; Josephine Taylor, DOE Bureau of Education for the Handicapped; Rosanne Silberman, Hunter College; Natalie Barraga, University of Texas; Phil Hatlen, San Francisco State; Evelyn Rex, Illinois State University; Donald Walker, University of Virginia; Richard Champion, University of Arizona; Susan Spungin, American Foundation for the Blind; Randall Harley, Peabody College; Ruth Craig, Brigham Young; William Heisler, Perkins School; Geraldine Scholl, Michigan; Grace Napier, University of Northern Colorado; Rose-Maroe Swallow, UCLA; Gideon Jones (directly behind Swallow), Florida State; Lawrence Hapeman, Northern Illinois; Marilyn Soreson, Minnesota DOE.

Print Size: 8 x 10"

Date: 1974

History/Provenance: From collection of Dr. Gideon Jones, a founder of the Vision Program at Florida State University.

Credit Line: Gift of Gideon Jones, 2013.36

Subjects: Orientation and mobility Universities & colleges Graduate students Education of disabled persons Photographs