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1883 Gallery
Table of Contents
1883 Gallery
Daguerreotype, Students and teachers of the Kentucky School for the Blind, early 1850s
APH charter, bylaws and legislative records
Presentation cane to William F. Bullock
Presentation cane to William F. Bullock
Vienna International Exhibition certificate
Photograph of Benjamin Bussey Huntoon at the Kentucky School for the Blind
Engraving of the 1883 APH building
Three photographs of Alba Beech Hudspeth
Early braille production, ca. 1875-1890
Clamshell press, ca. 1990
Photograph of Susan B. Merwin, APH/KSB superintendent
APH employees collating braille at round table
Jake Steffen in the APH Machine Shop
Relief Map of Africa
Blue Star Banner
Children Using Constructo Kit
APH-Modified Sony 105 Tape Recorder
Arranging large type negatives for an offset plate at American Printing House for the Blind
APH Student Speech Plus Talking Calculator
Baseball Game
APH Light Box
Talking Apple Literacy Kit: IIe Edition
Ken Coy in APH Model Shop
Braille 'n Speak 640